Below is some general information about our services. If you would like more information about our services feel free to drop us an email or give us a call.

Counselling & Psychotherapy
We offer professional individual, couples, family and group psychotherapy for clients facing a variety of psychological difficulties such as depression, anxiety, stress, adjustment, behavioural challenges, separation and identity. Psychotherapies, whether for short or long-term, help bring about effective change in self-understand and development, as well as enhance your wellbeing. At PWC, we work with our clients based on an ethos of respect for them as individuals, their values, their beliefs, their uniqueness and their right for self-determination. We are concerned with the restructuring of the personality or self and the development of personal insight.

Career Counselling
With more and more diverse career options and professional opportunities emerging, career counselling helps individuals make the right choice about their career paths, career development and career change. This is more than just deciding on which subject to study or which job you would like. The goal is to help you with self-analysis so that you may make decisions now, and also to give you the knowledge and skills you will need to make future career decisions. Overall, we help individuals to make informed career choices and help them define their career paths in order to maximize success in their chosen careers.

Play Therapy
Play therapy is a form of psychotherapy in which a child is encouraged to reveal feelings and conflicts in play rather than by verbalisation. We use a variety of play and arts techniques to alleviate chronic, mild and moderate psychological and emotional conditions in children, which may cause behavioural problems and/or are prevent them from realising their potential. We also help a child understand confused feelings and upsetting circumstances by using this tool as a form of communication, and allow children to express feelings and thoughts without feeling interrogated or threatened. Play therapy produces an immediate reduction in anxiety and raised self-esteem, and over time will show changes in behaviour and improve relations with family and friends.

Couples Therapy
The goal of couples therapy is to improve the couples relationship. This type of therapy can also help couples to decide whether or not they should continue in their relationship. Therapy often includes sessions designed to improve problem solving, build communication skills, and identify the goals and relationship responsibilities. Other common issues include infidelity, financial problems, illness and other life changes, as well as anger management. In most cases, couples get an immediate sense of relief that you and your partner care about each other and finally something is being done. In therapy, both of you will get equal time, attention and understanding, and support each other through the necessary changes in your relationship. Depending on the level of distress in the relationship, therapy can be short-term or over a period of several months. Although the focus of couples therapy is on the couple, there are times when the individual psychological issues of one or both parties need to be addressed.

Crisis Intervention
In life, we come across unfortunate life-threatening and victimising emergencies such as sudden changes in a relationship, separation, assault, behavioural problems or distress, mental breakdown, and/or the passing of a loved one. This may require rapid support and intervention. At PWC, we offer emergency psychological care aimed at assisting individuals in crisis situations to restore equilibrium to their bio-psychosocial functioning and to minimize the potential for psychological trauma.

Psychometric Assessments
Psychometric assessment or tests are standardised scientific means of identifying and measuring a person’s cognitive abilities and behavioural characteristics. They may also be used to determine the extent to which a person is suitable for a given task. In line with the psychological testing ethical considerations, we use these tools to measure intelligence, aptitude, personality or sensitivity as well as memory. The questions extract a lot of information regardless of educational or cultural background, and often reveal things that you may not realise about yourself.

Trauma Therapy
Trauma is a normal reaction to an abnormally difficult circumstance. Psychological trauma in particular occurs as a result of distressing events that may lead you to question your beliefs while destroying your general assumptions of trust. We therefore, explore many aspects in the trauma recovery process such as support, finding new meaning, empowerment, and practising techniques which help to ‘refocus’ your thinking processes.

Corporate Support Programmes
In addition to one on one consultations, we also offer a variety of on-site services to corporates, professionals, businesses and schools. These may include Personal Development, Corporate Wellness, Leadership Development all coupled with psychometric assessments for an insightful and comprehensive exploration and understanding of both individuals and their organisations alike.
Psychological Wellness Centre,
Consulting Rooms
House 66, Tikamotse Street
Katlehong Urban
Maseru, Lesotho
© Psychological Wellness Center
Comments or questions are welcome.